KARE 11 TV News Program interviewed Mohamed Ismail about Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies. Here’s a link to the interview on their website: http://www.kare11.com/life/food/inventures-mn-man-launches-smoothie-company/115808107 The Inventures segment explains Mohamed Ismail’s desire to create a healthy yogurt smoothie, available for purchase in Cub … Continue reading
Star Tribune interviews owner, Mohamed Ismail about Acacia-Tree Beverages and Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies To read the full article, click here Read about how Acacia-Tree Beverages got started, what Mohamed’s wife thinks and the challenges along the way. Learn about camel’s … Continue reading
Acacia-Tree Beverages Company, LLC, located in Eden Prairie, MN, specializes in making drinkable yogurt that delivers great taste and nutrition without compromise. Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies are a bold and tangy smoothie that were introduced after two years of research and development and … Continue reading
Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies now in 5 more 7-Eleven Stores. Two in the Washington DC area and three in Arlington VA. Happy to provide the tangy taste of Ziwa to the customers at these new locations. … Continue reading
So happy that our Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies are being so well received! We are now in 33 7-Eleven Stores around the Washington DC/Arlington VA area. Thank you for choosing Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies! A refreshing alternative to soda or plain juice. … Continue reading
We just added three more 7-Eleven store locations where you can buy Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies in the Washington DC area! That makes a total of 25 stores now, WOW! Thanks for your support. Locations: 407 8th St NE, 3900 Martin … Continue reading
We have delivered Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies to three more 7-Eleven locations in the Washington DC area. While they are just “trying it out” we know their customers will LOVE the tangy, bold taste of Ziwa as much as we do … Continue reading
Just Reported…Yogurt Is The Official “State Snack” of New York State! So there his a big buzz about New York officially adopting YOGURT as its “State Snack”! Yes, yogurt. We wanted to let you know we applaud New York for such a distinction. … Continue reading
Now you can pick up Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies at the following 7-Eleven locations in Arlington Virginia. Try our delicious all natural yogurt smoothies with probiotics as a snack anytime! 2704 N Washington Blvd. 3461 Washington Blvd. 3503 Fairfax Drive #100 … Continue reading
Ziwa Yogurt Smoothies is excited to announce you can now purchase smoothies in any of the following 7-Eleven stores in the Washington DC area! 1) 514 19th St NW, Washington, DC 20052 (George Washington University) 2) 1850 M ST NW Washington, DC … Continue reading